Financial Focus - How Much is Big Data Impacting Your Portfolio?

By Kristan L. Anderson, CEBS, CFP®
Big data and data analytics is becoming prevalent in every area of our lives. So, what is it and what does it mean for our portfolios? Big data is a catch-all term for large data sets that may include unstructured data (think: text, audio or video). More and more companies are using these data sets to analyze and determine trends on which they can base business decisions. Data analytics has been used in mutual fund investing in the past. But as artificial intelligence and systems built to analyze large data sets allow easier access to this type of knowledge, big data may factor into more fund
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Time for a Retirement Income Assessment?

By Angela Baker, JD, CFP®, CLTC, CASL®
Have you ever wondered how you will be able to afford life in retirement? Did you ever stop to consider when might be a good time to think through these details?
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How’s My Pension Doing?

By Glen J. Buco, CFP®
We’ve come to take for granted that anytime you hear someone has a pension, that it’s like they’ve won the golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
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