Patriot Award Presented

October 15, 2017

In October 2017, Glen Buco, Kimberly Cox, and Kirstie Martinez received the Patriot Award* presented by Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (a Department of Defense program) Chairman. This award was given based on the support they provided to an employee during her spouse’s deployment overseas in the U.S. Army Reserve.


October 2017 Patriot Award630.jpg

Picture left to right: Kirstie Martinez, Kimberly Cox, Abby Just, Geambro Hollis (ESGR Chairman), and Glen Buco.


*Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Department of Defense: Patriot Award
A nomination for the Patriot Award was sent to the Office of the Secretary of Defense Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Chairman by an employee of West Financial Services for the support she received while her husband was deployed overseas in the U.S. Army Reserve.